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Test The Taste

Storytelling Food Tourism Events!

Create Your Own Food Tourism Story by Top Tourism!

Test The Taste is an original promotional event for gastronomic businesses. Each participating company chooses to present to a number of 30-40 "judges", a small bite from one of its dishes or a sample of its product.

Our "judges" have in front of them a form that states the name of the company and the food offered and 5 possible descriptions of it (eg authentic taste, special taste, etc.). The designations have been selected after cooperation with the company that offers the food.

When the "judge" tastes the bite, he notes in the form in front of him the characterization that suits him best. During this whole process, a company representative makes a brief presentation orally to the "judges".

After the process is completed, a few days later it is announced which rating received the most votes for each taste and a relevant praise is issued for each company that "competed".

With this method, we create a story for each company that participates. From the point of announcing the results onwards, each of our judges becomes a Story Teller of this Story.

In this way, a great cycle of promotion and promotion of each participating company begins.

The "judges" are people from gastronomy, tourism and journalism, active members of social media, as well as representatives of important companies.

Copyright: Top Tourism 2018

Test The Taste

Create Your Own Food Tourism Story by Top tourism!

Test The Taste is an innovative promotional event for gastronomy oriented companies.

Each participating company chooses to present to 30-40 “judges”, a small bite of a recipe or a product sample.

The "judges" rate the bites with one of the 5 possible descriptions determined in advance by us (like "authentic taste", "distinct taste", etc.).

As long as the process lasts, a representative makes a brief company presentation to the "judges".

A few days later the results are announced and with this method, we create a story for each participating company. Each one of the judges becomes a Story Teller.

In this way, a great round of promotion for each participating gastronomy company begins!

The "judges" are people involved in gastronomy, tourism, media, active members of social media, as well as representatives of important businesses.

Copyright: Top Tourism 2018


© 2015 by Taksidi 2 Greece Group

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